We like to play and have a great time but we take safety and cleanliness very seriously
A safe, clean and healthy space for our visitors is our number one priority. Barx Parx uses electrostatic sanitization to protect against bacteria, pathogens known to cause kennel cough (canine influenza) and Bordetella. This is a higher level of sanitization than many veterinary clinics. You can’t keep your dog in a sanitary bubble but we want to be the next best thing.
Seriously Clean
Cutting edge sanitizing and disinfection.
Knowledgeable and Trained
As with humans, being in social places comes with inherent risks but we can minimize those risks by taking precautions. Every place that dogs frequent comes with a risk of dog flu and other infectious diseases. Be sure to socialize your dog places that require proof of current vaccines and have proper sanitation procedures in place.