Naming a dog is hard but pet owners are extremely creative. Check out this list of creative and funny dog names, some of them are from Barx Parx registrations and others are compiled from names found on the internet.
Let’s start with the most popular names of 2022
Top 10 Female Dog Names in 2022:
Top 10 Male Dog Names in 2022:
76 (Seriously. Seventy Six) |
Abbie Normal |
Ace |
Acon |
Adak |
Admiral William Husker Adama |
Akamaru |
Alan |
Albus Dumbledog |
Artemis |
Askhim |
Attila |
Attu |
Awsum |
Bacon |
Bambang |
Bark Wahlburg |
Barnie |
Batman |
Beavis |
Bebop |
Beetlejuice |
Beyoncé |
Big Daddy |
Big Guy |
Biggie Paws |
Biggie Smalls |
Birdie |
Bitey McChomperson |
Black Hayate |
Boatswain |
Bobby |
Bobby |
Bonesaw |
Bono |
Booboo |
Boudreaux |
Boujie |
Brain |
Brain Tumor (BT for short) |
Brandon |
Breadbox |
Breadstick |
Brenda Boo |
Brick |
Brillo |
Britow |
Brown Dog (Is actually white) |
Brutus |
Bumblebee Megatron |
Bun Bun |
Burlington Nozzlebeak III |
Burnt Toast |
Burt |
Buster Sunshine |
Butkis |
Butterball |
Buttercup |
Butthead |
Buttons |
Buxtehude Wertenberger |
Cakebird |
Cannoli |
Captain Underpants |
Cardi B |
Carmen Sandiego |
Carnage |
Cartman |
Cedrick Doggery |
Chalupa |
Cheese |
Cheetara |
Cheez-it |
Chef |
Chessie System |
Chevis |
Chewy |
Chicken George |
Chip |
Chris P. Bacon |
Churro |
Cinderella |
Cinderfella |
Cleopatra |
Cleopatrick |
C’mere |
Colonel Poostain III |
Cooper |
Cornbread |
Cornelius Fletcher the Third |
Cosmo Golfballs |
Covfefe |
Cricket |
Cruella Deville |
Cupcake |
Cynthia |
Dad |
Daimler |
Dale |
Dammit |
Dank |
Daria |
Dave |
Dennis Reynolds |
Dexter |
Dhamer |
Dietrich (Deeter for short) |
Dioge (Pronounce this one as D.O.G.) |
Django |
Dogmeat |
Donatello |
Donut |
Doug |
Dove |
Dr. Manman |
Dr. Who |
Dubnyk |
Dude |
Dude |
Dudebro |
Dumpster |
Durt |
Eddie Bravo |
El Duderino |
Elsa |
Ember |
Equinox |
Esopus |
Esther |
Falcon |
Fancybelt |
Fartski |
Fat Geoff |
Fenton |
Festus |
Filo |
Fireball |
Fitzgerald |
Flashbang |
Flo |
Fred |
Fred |
Freeway |
Fruit Punch |
FSBO (For sale by owner – pronounced fissbo) |
Fudge |
Fugly |
Fuzzbutt |
Gaius |
Gary |
George |
George Michael |
Gertrude |
Gilda Rose Princess of Troy |
Gilgalad |
Gilroy |
Goatface Killa |
Goblin |
Gohan |
Goku |
Gracie |
Grandpa |
Gravy |
Gringo |
Grover |
Gymkhana |
Hades |
Hagrid |
Halas |
Hammy |
Happy Hour |
Harry Houdini |
Harry Pupper |
Hashbrown |
Hayhay |
Haystack |
Hercules |
Hit Man |
Hops |
Hot Potato Feet (Feet for short) |
Hugapug |
Icon |
Indica |
iPad |
Iron |
Jack Daniels |
Jackie |
Jake |
Jasperdatters |
Jax Teller |
Jeffery |
Jerry |
Johnny Bravo |
Juan 2 |
Just Dog |
Kaiju |
Kanye |
Karen |
Kash Mo-nay |
Keith |
Kelly Clarkson |
Ken Block |
Kendrick Lamar |
Kenneth E. Tipps |
Kenny Doggins |
Kevin Bacon |
Kevin Greenbeans |
King Day Day |
Kitty |
Kokojiro |
Kopek |
Kyle |
Kyle |
Lady Bermingshire Esq. |
Lady Beverly |
Lady Elaine Fairchild |
Lemon Demon |
Leonardo |
Leslie |
Lettuce Pray |
Lian-o |
Lieutenant Ice Cream Sundae |
Linda |
Link |
Loader |
Lobo the Deck Pooper |
Loco Moco |
Lola Mc Chicken |
Louann |
Luigi |
Luna Fish |
Lunchbox |
Lupè fiasco |
Mac Debarko |
Maeby |
Magpul (Maggie for short) |
Major |
Mannie Fre$h (Yes, the system at Barx Parx allows you to use a dollar sign.) |
Maple |
Marcus Aurelius |
Mario |
Maxi |
Mayo |
Meathead |
Meatwagon |
Melvin |
Mike Tyson |
Miss Kitty |
Missie Elliott |
Mocos |
Mortar |
Mr. Bojangles |
Mr. Cooper |
Mr. Gravy |
Mr. Jesus |
Mr. Miyagi |
Mr. Perfect |
Mr. Rogers |
Mud Flap |
Muffler |
Mussolini |
My Little Pony |
Myrtle |
Nalu |
Napkins |
Naruto |
Nigel |
Nigel |
Nitro |
Nozzle |
Oakley Cloakey |
Ognib |
Ollivander (Vander for short) |
Optimus Prime |
Otis Otteson |
Ovenmitt |
Owl |
Oxy |
Pablo Escobar |
Packer |
Pakkun |
Pancake |
Panthro |
Pea |
Pecker |
Peeves |
Pepper Ann |
Peter |
Peter Porker |
Pezda Spencer |
Piccolo |
Pickle |
Pinky |
Pinpin |
Pip |
Pita |
Pizza |
Polka Dog |
Poodle (not a poodle) |
Popeye |
Porch |
Pork Chop |
Pot Roast |
Potato Princess |
Poughkeepsie |
Pretty Pritzy Princess |
Prime Time |
Princess |
Princess Buttercup |
Princess Glitter |
Prius |
Protein |
Puddles |
Pugfred Perriwinkle |
Pumyra |
Punky bacon |
Quasma |
Raphael |
Reesie Von Wrinkles |
Revelator |
Reverend |
Rex Pizza and Cheese |
Rhubarb |
Ricardo Montalban |
Ricky Bobby (Likes to go fast) |
Ricky Martin |
Rizzo |
Road |
Rocksteady |
Roswell |
Ruh Roh |
Sadie |
Saltine |
Salty |
Sam |
Sara Snowflake |
Sarge |
Sativa |
Scissors |
Scrooge McDuck |
Shadow |
Sharon |
Shoe |
Showtime |
Simon Cowell |
Sinep (Spell this one backwards) |
Sinner |
Siobhan |
Sippy Cup |
Skana |
Slimer |
Smiley Face |
Snarf |
Snickers |
Snicklefritz |
Snot |
So and So |
Sonic the Hedgehog |
Sophie |
Soup |
Space Ghost |
Spaghetti |
Spam |
Sparkle Leaf |
Spatula |
Speedbump |
Spencer |
Spiderman |
Splash |
Sprinkachoo |
Squadron Leader Bob Noodles |
Stankbutt |
Starlord |
Stella Atrois |
Steve |
Stick |
Stormy |
Sunny |
Swamp |
Sweet Hot Cinnamon Buns |
Taco |
Taco |
Tally Ho! |
Tank |
Tater Tot |
Tazer |
Techno Darling |
Teddy Bear Bones Bear Heart |
Theobromine |
Theresa |
Thingy |
Thomas the Tank |
Tim Cook |
Tivo |
Tnuc |
Todd |
Tom |
Tom Brady |
Tonka |
Tonks |
Touchdown |
Trashcan |
Treetrunk |
Triforce |
Trotski |
Trout |
Tubbs |
Tuckbert |
Tupac Doggur |
Turkey |
Twilight Sparkle |
Tygra |
Tyrion |
Uncle Coconut |
Uncle Walter |
Vintovka |
Vorpal |
Wackjob |
Waffles |
Waitress |
Walter |
Wang |
Water Bottle |
Weasel |
Wedgie |
Weed |
Wendel Bark |
Windsor |
Winifred Chickpea McTater |
Wino |
Wittle |
Xerxes |
Yogi |
Yummy Yummy Yum Yum |
Yupp |
Zelda |
Zombie |
That’s all for now (437 names). Which one was your favorite?
200 Funny Dog Names for Your Wacky Pup
[…] about pet names have many funny options. They often sort names by themes, helping you find one that fits your dog. Check out libraries or […]